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Himalayan Messages

An Evening of

Soul Messages 


Michael Dove

From Rishikesh, India

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

6:30 pm PST and 9:30 pm EST

About Soul Messages and Teachings 

In this special event soul messages will be channeled to each participant.

Also new teachings will be presented about

Conscious Vision of

The New Human Family

You shall learn about your special purpose in the world. 

Arrive with Your Questions and an Open Heart


"It is time for you to know

The Love, Grace and Blessings of The New Human Family"

Michael Dove

 I strongly encourage you to share this event with anyone who you think would appreciate it. 


Michael Dove


This will take place on the Zoom Platform


The suggested fee for this special event is $25.00

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If I can serve you in any way on your journey or you would like to book a consultation please email:


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