I have been inspired and encouraged to create a food assistance event here in Varanasi, India.
We are calling it 'Meals on the Ganges' or 'Ganga par bhojan'. I have the help and support of friends here in the community to make this happen.
Because of the economic depression here in the Holy City of Varanasi. The Sadhus (Holy Men), Babas, Monks, who depend upon temples and donations are having a difficult time.
These people are a living spiritual world treasure and they are struggling through these challenging times. They ordinarily have a flow of support through donations from pilgrims and tourists. But most of it is shut down now, because of the world pandemic.
On the January 10th we will be distributing prepared simple box meals and some clothing items to the most in need along the Ghats of the Ganges river. There will be local helpers involved to make it all happen smoothly on that day. I will be personally overseeing the entire operation. We shall of course document the whole experience. I will send you some photos etc.
I would love to have your help.
Just a small donation (only if you can afford it) will go a long way here to helping some profoundly spiritual beings with much needed nourishment. Twenty dollars is a lot of money here. It can feed several people.
I created some PayPal links to make it easy to donate. Just look to the lower part (the very bottom) of this web page.
We are intending this to be an ongoing project. If you have any questions about it, please contact me at:
I thank you all for your kindness and Support.
Bright Blessings
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$10.00 Donation